Monday, July 12, 2010


T.T my A/C is broken and my body is melting slowly away.. ok well not really but you know wat i mean xD theres a giant rotating fan at the front of my room and its great except that it dries out my eyes :( the guy that came to fix it was unbelieviably rude, i moved the dial to make it colder and he was like "you just broke it" and then i replied "oh sorry" and he was all like " well its useless saying sorry" ( sounds ruder in chinese LOL)but yeah he wasnt even the repair guy he was like the assistant. Well he made me think i broke the A/C but the real repair guy said that i hadn't. so thanks very much mister assistant for making me feel super guilty :(


  1. Aww. Lol I believe thatu didn't break the fan if that counts for anything. :)
