tonight was emotional roller coaster for me, my family got in a huge fight over god knows what. my sister wanted to give our cat up for adoption, when it int hers to give away ( of course she bought it, but i feed clean, and love him )i mean we only see my father once a week but every time it seems we go in happy and come out angry or sad, i love my father dont get me wrong, but sometimes i just dont know why we dont show it. I hope he knows that i love him. I love my family and even though we might have our many many flaws, in the end we come together. Usually i would get all depressed if we were having problems but tonight i turned to god. I prayed, i mean i REALLY prayed and i felt something that i am so proud to be able to say, i found god again :) i told him all my problems and i felt as if a weight had been lifted off of me. so thank you god, and i love you.